Monday, March 17, 2008

Range Report: Bullseye #2

I decided to be a little adventurous today and try Bullseye with my S&W 617 double-action, 10-shot, 6"-barrel, .22LR-chambered revolver. I didn't do as badly as I thought I would--scored 442 points out of a possible 600, only 7 fewer points than last week. Not bad at all!

Still gotta figure out how to record my score, though...they take a 3-week average and compute that along with the week's half-score and figure out the handicap-score (how that works I have no idea--everyone just looks it up in a table in a book).

Gotta get out and practice more. I'm certain I can do much better with my '617! I'm also determined to do this using only open sights; I've got young eyes, and I can still focus on the front sight post...everyone else on my team's using red-dot or glass to help them aim--nuh uh, not for me. Open sights, all the way. 50 yards isn't that far.

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