Monday, March 3, 2008

I Like Guns

Brady bunch: "Ban the guns!"

Pro-gunners: "Right to keep and bear arms!"

Anti-gun people: "see? If only he didn't have one..."

Gun-Rights people: "see? If only someone else had one..."

*sigh*. This is stupid--fuck it all. I like guns--I don't like what some people do with them. Proactive (bans, background checks, laws) vs. Reactive (if/when it happens, hopefully someone will be able to end it prematurely).

I happen to be on the reactive side--I've accepted that there can never be enough proactive action to prevent it from happening again, and so I take steps to be able deal with it, if I ever have to. That's the only reason the gun is in a holster on my hip--I will never 'clear leather' for any other reason than practice, defense, and maintenance. Never offense.

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