Friday, May 16, 2008

Range Report

"That's a short night for you..." the Range Officer said as I was heading out. Indeed it was, as I needed to get home to prep my bike and stuff for tomorrow's ride.

But I still found 50 minutes to put 220 rounds downrange--100 rapid-fire through my 617, 100 rapid-fire through the 17, and 20 slow-fire through the 617. I actually did have one rapid-fire target with all 20 in the black, for a score of 195. And the one slow-fire target I shot had 18 on-target. Nice.

I should use rapid-fire as a warm-up from now on...just start off with it, to get my mind and body settled in. It's the more "frantic" of the disciplines, anyways, so it doesn't require me to be as steady as slow-fire, and timed-fire is basically sustained slow-fire.

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