Sunday, March 30, 2008

Range report

(does anyone read these anyways?) after loafing around work today (blech), getting the phones and network and printers better set-up than yesterday (and I just know that I'm going to get a ton of calls tomorrow, and I'll bet I know just who I'll be getting them from, too), I went to the range...

I think I'm just so tired I can't hold a gun steady enough; somehow I managed to put 19 shots on-paper...once. The rest of them were in the 14-15 range. Teh Suck. And now I've started keeping track of how many were actually in the black, and not just on-paper. Even worse: they were floating around 10 shots out of 20 in the black. That's 80 points (black scoring rings start at 8, the 9, 10, and X which also counts as 10) at least, but that just means that the shots inside the black will "make up for" the shots outside the black. Dammit.

Tomorrow I might not do so well in our MPL meeting.


Addendum: just 1 year I've put over 4000 rounds through my S&W 617. Nearly half of them have been in the past six weeks. Damn. I think at 10,000 rounds I'll send it to S&W for re-timing and probably a good trigger job/internal parts replacement.

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