Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Range Report

Took my '41, Mk. II, and 10/22 to the NRA range. I'm extremely pleased to report that replacing the extractor in my Mk. II with the Volquartsen Exact Edge Extractor has cleared up the extraction/ejection problems I've been experiencing lately--from the first shot to the last (150 rounds in all), extraction was positive and consistent, throwing brass in the same direction and with the same force after every shot. I didn't have a single failure of any kind. Yes!

Then I tried some Bullseye with my '41--10 rounds, one-handed, at 75 feet. I know, not exactly the Bullseye Pistol format, but I wanted to get used to one handing-it. I'm also thankful for the adjustable sights. They were set a little high...probably zeroed for 100 or 50 yards. I didn't do so well, regardless--my groups were 4" or more at 75 feet with my one-handed hold, while with the 2-handed hold on the Mk. II were barely larger than 2.5 inches at 75 feet. Just gotta practice...good thing it's .22LR, which is an extremely cheap round (compared with anything else, except for reloading).

Finally, I had a little time to put some rounds through the 10/22. The first 10 shots were familiarzation, getting more used to the heavy trigger (feels like a 5lb trigger pull) and the sights and remaining stable. The next 10 were checking the scope's to the right a bit. So I set up a rest and sat down to re-zero the scope, doing the "shoot three, adjust, shoot three more" method (yay for the scope!). I got the 5-minute warning, did a few last-minute tweaks, and emptied the magazine. The last four shots were put into the 2" bullseye at 75 feet--good enough.

When I set up, my neighbors were shooting some sort of bullpup rifle. When I looked more closely, it was an AK-47 action (semi-auto, of course) set up in a bullpup configuration--interesting. And they had a P7PSP pistol. Then they left, and the next guy set up...and put a P7M8 on the table. Interesting. I should seriously get ammo for my P7M10 so I can show off, too =) The P7 isn't as rare as it's made out to be, at least, not in my experience. The P7M10, maybe, but I see P7PSPs and P7M8s all the time. Can't wait for someone to show up with a P7K3 in any of its calibers (.22LR, .32, or .380). Maybe I should get a P7M13...but then I'd be seriously broke =)

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