Saturday, November 30, 2013


I have a number of projects going in my mind for my hardware, and I want to collect them all here before i forget.

Backup Airgun: now that I'm getting more serious about International 10m Air Pistol, I want to build up my Crosman 1377C into a 'backup' 10m air gun. As it is right now, it appears to be accurate enough, though the sights are crude, and the fact that I can wiggle the breech with my fingers disturbs me. Also, the potential to get my hand pinched while pumping it is always present, so I want a forearm that will mitigate that somehow. Finally, the grip and trigger aren't quite up to snuff, so thise should be addressed.

I could purchase another IZH-46M, or I could purchase something more high-end and make my 'Izzy' into the backup gun, but I like the idea of modding the 1377. Making a set of grips for it, for example, sounds like a good way to get into grip-making.

National Match Rifle: My current rifle is close to being suitable, in my mind, but it needs a few things:
1) free-floated, 1:8 or 1:7-twist heavy barrel. Currently, the barrel is not free-floated, and it is 1:9.
2) National Match rear sight. The A2 rear sight is functional, but the hooded aperture of the NM sights would be better.
3) proper stock weight. Currently using a bunch of .44-cal bullets. Battle-rattle, indeed.

S&W Model 52: I want to get a BME dustcover mount, and a set of Karl Nill match grips, and then it will be 'the' companion to my Model 41. Similarly...

1911 Wadgun: I want to get a Nill Grip for it to complete the 'set', though I've heard a lot of shooters prefer the slab-grips. I suppose I'll simply try it, and if it's a no-go, someone else will want to try match grips on a 1911.

TOZ-35: In recent practice I've done pretty well with it, and I think I'm finding my groove now, but I'm still wondering if a set of Rink Formgriffe grips would be 'better' for me than the big, beefy OEM grips.

S&W Model 629-5, 6": I just can't seem to settle on a grip for this thing. My latest trend is to use Pachmayr grips on my N-frame beltguns (a 629-5 4", a 625-6 4" Mountain Gun, and a 610-3 3-7/8"), which currently look good and feel good. I think a Pachmayr Presentation grip will be the ticket, however. Speaking of which, the springs are mis-matched on the 6" 629-5, as well as the 625-6. Those will need to be addressed.

Ruger Redhawk: I finally shot the thing for the first time yesterday, and found Paul's loads to be pretty mild that I'm considering using the gun in revolver-only Bullseye competitions (so...just the Mid-Atlantic Revolver Regional Championship, then). To that end, a scope mount and a T-grip might be appropriate.

So that's a lot on my plate just in terms of hardware, and there's more that I haven't written here, but I think the next year or so will be pretty busy in terms of projects.

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