Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Range Report

My Mark II is still jamming; evidently my cleaning hasn't fixed it. I might just call up Ruger and see if I can't get a new extractor and spring shipped out to me. 150 rounds, 5 jams. Thanks to The Ultimate Cliploader, I was in and out in about 30 minutes.

This time was better, in terms of range safety--no problems whatsoever. And there was some hot chick (and her guyfriend) shooting an AR-15 from the prone position. Mmm, mmm mmm. Jeans have never looked so good...


Went in and cleaned everything on the Mk II. Bore-brush'ed dry, wet, used the tornado brush (I don't--yet--have a boresnake, but I'll probably need one for the 10/22 that's coming in later this week), and even used a screwdriver to pry out flakes of encrusted propellant residue, and ran patches through until not a single one came out with any hint of residue. Evidently, according to Ruger's site, sticky extraction (as I'm seeing) can be caused by the bullet lube on .22 rounds. Who'd've thunk it? I should resolve to clean my pistols thoroughly after 250 rounds (although I usually do that in one range visit), and do cursory cleanings (dry-brush the innards, etc) in between.

And I got the replacement springs for my friend's Glock, so hopefully it won't fail to return to battery anymore, and it'll quit having light primer strikes too. And I got the trigger-springs pack for my 617 and I put the 14-lb spring in there (down from 17), and the pull is noticeably lighter in double-action, and in single-action it's almost a hair trigger--probably as low as I want to go (although I received 13- and 12-lb springs as well).

So I've got a lot of things to function-check for the next range visit (likely to be on Wednesday). I probably won't be satisfied with the Mk II until I've got 100 consecutive, trouble-free rounds. I've been noticing that, yes, on average the FTEs happen about once every 30 shots (today it was 150 shots, with 5 FTEs), but it isn't evenly distributed (the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th FTEs, for example, were all in the same 10-shot string, and occurred exactly once every three rounds).

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